by Peggy Caruso
Discovering the true talents and abilities within our children will prepare them for this unpredictable world by teaching them how to adapt to any situation. Instilling entrepreneurial ideas in children will help them become successful adults and it will create independence within them.
They need to learn how to manage their own strengths and weaknesses. Many children are afraid to fail because they feel they are letting the parents down. Failure is good – encourage it. It is just feedback letting you know how to modify your plan. It is stepping-stones to success. It can only be failure if you don’t get back up and try again. All of the successful people in history have had many failures before reaching success.
As children grow they need to learn how to deal with change. Changes in circumstances, cultures, and religions help our children to adapt in society. We can’t give our children a blueprint in life, but we can teach them coping skills. Your children’s skills and abilities will be their most valuable asset throughout their lives.
Skills are behaviors in which we increase our knowledge, and abilities are natural talents. Understanding what skills and abilities they have and what they need to reach their dreams is an important component in your child’s career development.
From childhood your child will develop skills that will be transferred as an adult. Emotional skills such as self esteem, sociability, integrity and empathy, integrated with the educational skills of reading, writing, mathematics, speaking, creativity and decision making will prepare them for adaptability within the corporate world. Many studies have supported the fact that the faster children develop skills, the better they do with testing.
Once you discover what their true talents and passions are it is easy to get them started on building a business. There are many businesses suitable for children. Educating children and teens about employment or entrepreneurship has astounding affects. It teaches them time management, assists them in learning how to follow directions, and provides team and leadership skills. Studies show discouraged teens often grow up to become discouraged adults. This affects their confidence level in the workforce.
In teaching children entrepreneurial skills they need to learn effective ways to communicate. In today’s society technology has limited our children in verbal communication. One area to enhance communication is to teach masterminding. This is very effective and utilized by many adults; therefore it can be effectively implemented with children.
It is placing a group of 5 or 6 like-minded children together to meet once bi-weekly for one hour. Meeting places can vary between houses. They begin by each taking one-minute to say their ‘win for the week’ and then they move on to challenges. Each child presents a challenge they are facing and the remainder of the group assists by providing feedback. Someone needs to be a time-keeper so the meeting does not exceed one hour and each child has their turn.
This assists the children with problem solving and holding one another accountable. It reinforces communication and interpersonal relations. Masterminding enhances friendships and helps them balance the highs and lows. It assists with creativity and establishes motivation and persistence. It also teaches them how to set and reach goals which is imperative in promoting entrepreneurism within children.
Teaching them to be persistent requires that they will be definite in their decisions, and that requires courage. It is a state of mind; therefore, it can be cultivated and with persistence comes success. When we talk of success, most people think of adults. But if you begin applying the success principles when your children are young and impressionable you teach them how to realize failure is good.
Persistent action comes from persistent vision. When you define your goal and your vision remains exact you will be more consistent and persistent in your actions. That consistent action will produce consistent results.
Remember to teach your children the difference between the person who fails and the one who succeeds is the perception they have. It is seizing an opportunity and acting upon it, unlike the person who allows fear to dominate his abilities.
In teaching your child how to become a ‘kid-preneur’ they learn:
- Talents, abilities and passions;
- Setting and reaching goals;
- Gratitude and developing solid friendships;
- Persistence and motivation;
- Creativity and visualization;
- Communication, problem solving and interpersonal relations;
- Intuition;
- Entrepreneurial skills;
They learn their true potential!!
Peggy Caruso is a certified executive and personal development coach. An NLP master practitioner and advanced hypnotherapist, she is also an eight-time entrepreneur with more than 22 years of experience. She helps parents understand their children’s subconscious and conscious minds and how each one affects their behavior.
Throughout her professional career, she has helped numerous children rid themselves of depression, ADD, and ADHD medication. She is also the author of three books, Revolutionize Your Life, Revolutionize Your Child’s Life (Morgan James Publishing, 2014), and Revolutionize Your Corporate Life. Revolutionize Your Child’s Life is the second book in the Revolutionize series. A proud mother who raised two children independently and a grandmother to one, Caruso currently lives in DuBois, Pennsylvania.
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